
UK Free: The mystery of the lake that disappeared in Bosnia

Friday, December 13, 2013

The mystery of the lake that disappeared in Bosnia

In Bosnia , trying to find explanations for the mysterious disappearance of a gap of 20 meters in diameter and eight feet deep.
Sanica neighbors , a remote village in the department Kljuc in Bosnia , trying to find explanations for the mysterious disappearance of a pond 20 feet in diameter and eight feet deep.
In the place where the lake was rich in fishes , there is now a gaping hole 50 meters in diameter and 30 meters deep that is growing .
According to locals , the phenomenon happened overnight .

The fish started jumping and the water disappeared , swallowed even some nearby trees.
Scientists say that this is a natural phenomenon because the area where it happened is karst , with formations produced by the erosive action of water or solvent and that the phenomenon could occur by flowing groundwater.

Another popular theory - and reject - experts is that a fish could have driven one of the German bombs of World War II that an old woman into the lake .


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